Media education in secondary schools

Young people today live in a thoroughly digitized world that is developing with unbroken dynamism. It opens up many opportunities and possibilities for young people, but also poses some risks and challenges.

In the classroom, teachers are faced with the daily task of supporting young people in acquiring skills that encompass all areas of media literacy. These range from knowledge about copyright, self-data protection or cyberbullying to digital well-being.

To adapt to the individual needs of students, educators should have a variety of well-prepared teaching materials at hand. This way, lessons can be practical, varied, and engaging.

Materials from klicksafe

Comprehensive materials

Here you will find klicksafe materials that are suitable for media education work in secondary schools. They deal with a specific topic and contain many ideas, suggestions and lesson plans for your lessons.

In addition, klicksafe offers other media and materials that you can use and apply in your lessons. These range from videos in which young people have their say to posters you can fill out yourself. You can find a complete overview of all media and materials that are suitable for use in educational work inthis overview Media & Materials.


The mobile Escape Game for school classes and youth groups

CODE BREAKERS is an Escape Game. In contrast to ordinary Escape Rooms, no one is locked up in CODE BREAKERS. Rather, the idea is to work together in a room to playfully solve tasks that build on each other and to crack a code at the end. It offers a low-threshold introduction to topics such as algorithms, digitization and password security, and also promotes teamwork. CODE BREAKERS is a free educational offer for all young people, regardless of a soft spot for computer science and technology. The game can be played with up to 30 people simultaneously in four adjacent rooms. The mobile Escape Game package is designed for school classes and youth groups, but can also be adapted for other target groups and topics. For this purpose, this game guide has been designed.

The goal of the project developers is to enable self-sufficient play using only the game instructions. For advice and information on the use of the materials (also under Corona conditions), please contact the project manager, Ms. Batzler: batzler☞ Please insert an @ here ☜medienundbildung☞ Please insert a dot here ☜com. Print copies can be sent upon request.

More materials

Medienführerschein Bayern - Offer for Secondary Schools

Teachers will find suggestions here on how to address media education issues in lessons in an age-appropriate way. Material is available on various media education topics and for all types of schools with reference to CurriculumPlus. All materials can be used without external training. Students receive certificates for each lesson they complete.

Media Radar

Medienradar is a media education service for schools and youth work. The website also contains a collection of materials for teaching grades 7 to 12.

Media in the school

Medien in die Schule offers teaching materials for the central media types and media formats. The teaching material is characterized by its high flexibility. Thus, it can be used both in secondary level I (from grade 7) and secondary level II. Different methodological suggestions and content can be applied depending on the level of the class. Appropriate instructions can be found in the material.

wide click

weitklick offers a collection of free materials for the classroom to download. You will find practical examples, worksheets and project ideas to help you prepare.