Algorithms need transparency and control
"We are being individualized: The Algorithm Citizen between Filter Bubble, Fake News and Shaping Democracy" was the topic of a joint event held by the Rhineland-Palatinate State Agency for Media and Communication (LMK) and the Rhineland-Palatinate Consumer Center on April 26 as part of the "Digital Lunch" event series at the Rhineland-Palatinate State Representation in Berlin. Renowned experts in the field of digitalization highlighted both the opportunities and the risks of algorithmic decision-making. In presentations and a lively panel discussion, the experts from academia and Internet companies assessed the impact of algorithms on the media and the everyday consumption of consumers. In a joint position paper, the two organizers published their views on the topic.
The position paper is available on the websites of the consumer advice center and the LMK.
Also recently published is the citizen- and consumer-oriented brochure"Dein Algorithmus - meine Meinung: Algorithmen und ihre Bedeutung für Meinungsbildung und Demokratie" (Your Algorithm - My Opinion: Algorithms and their Significance forOpinion Formation and Democracy ) by Professor Dr. Katharina Zweig, published by the Bavarian Regulatory Authority for Commercial Broadcasting (BLM) and presented by the LMK.
More on the topic:
- Full press release from 27.04.2017
- Position paper (PDF)
- Brochure "Your algorithm - my opinion"
- klicksafe to go: fact or fake? How to expose fake news on the internet.