Digital Detox during LentConscious offline time - Challenge completed
Digital Detox means "digital detoxification" or "digital fasting". It's about the time people spend consciously abstaining from using mobile media such as smartphones, tablets and computers, either partially or completely. Our Digital Detox Challenge was about exactly that - conscious use or conscious abstention. With simple exercises, we introduced our followers on Instagram to the different areas of Digital Detox week by week.
How was the response?
In total, we reached about 4000 followers with the challenge. Some of them stayed on the ball and continuously participated in our weekly topics Your Status Quo, Know Your self, Conscious Media Use, Time Out, Your Offline Self, Switch off - Analog Alternatives, Wellbeing or shared them diligently.
The tasks involved self-assessment, among other things. Which devices do you use, how often and for what exactly? How do you feel about them and what would you like to do without? We found that many of our subscribers feel rather tense and exhausted with regard to their media use.
Those who have not yet taken the challenge are still welcome to do so. This is possible either via the highlights on our Instagram channel or with our #AUSzeit material.
Knowing what is good for us
How can we increase our digital well-being? The following information and materials can help you answer this question.