(Luck) game app "Coin Master" unsuitable for children!
Coin Master is a "social game" for gambling with friends and family, so advertises influencer Bibi in a YouTube video. Other TV and YouTube stars such as Simon Desue, Enisa, the Prankbros, Dieter Bohlen, Daniela Katzenberger and Pietro Lombardi also praise Coin Master in advertising trailers. Such trailers are predominantly shown in game apps that are popular with children. The massive influencer marketing and the childlike design of the app obviously appeal to young players, but Coin Master is anything but suitable for children! The joint federal and state competence center for the protection of children and young people on the Internet, jugendschutz.net, warned as early as June 2019 that Coin Master does not belong in children's hands. This is because Coin Master uses a classic gambling element - the slot machine. Spins are the only way to get further in the game - once spins are used up, the only option is in-app purchases or constant advertising to avoid long waiting times. The app also sends tracking IDs to several market analysts and Facebook during the first few minutes of play. In the Google Play Store, the app is now rated USK 16. Further information
- ZDF Mediathek: Neo Magazine Royale broadcast from 10.10.2019
- Federal Review Board: Indexing proceedings on the app "Coin Master"
- Welt: media authority has game app "Coin Master" examined
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