Is (cyber)bullying already a topic for elementary school?

This is a question that preoccupies many parents and also the experts at Internet-ABC e.V.: Opinions on the subject vary widely. In the new topic special, the Internet-ABC has compiled background information and also published a new learning module "(Cyber)Mobbing - no fun!" for children of primary school age.

Aren't they still too young for it? 

What can I do to protect my child from (cyber)bullying? This is a concern for many parents. At the latest, when it comes to whether the daughter or son gets his or her own smartphone, the question becomes acute. But should children be prepared for the topic of (cyber)bullying "beforehand"? Or is that too early? Does it only scare them unnecessarily? Is (cyber)bullying already a topic for elementary school? There are different views on this among parents and teachers. This topic special is published just in time for the release of a new Internet ABC learning module on the topic. What bullying and (cyber)bullying are all about and how to protect and defend oneself is explained here in a child-friendly and playful way.

The learning module "(Cyber)Mobbing - no fun" can be used both in class and at home. It is important to clarify the terminology: Because not every argument and not every teasing is bullying or (cyber)bullying. Even with studies, it should always be looked at carefully whether and how the terms bullying and (cyber)mobbing are defined. If the definition is interpreted too broadly, the number of people affected may shoot up significantly. This does not change the importance of the topic: Every case of (cyber)bullying is one too many.

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