Media safe for children? It's all a question of attitude!

You always wanted to know how to protect your child from unwanted contacts via messenger services on the smartphone? You want to avoid your child falling into a cost trap when using online games? Wondering how to prevent your child from consuming inappropriate content via video streaming services? With, a free online information service is now available that provides parents and guardians with understandable and reliable answers to precisely these questions.

The new portal www.medien-kindersicher.debundles information on technical protection solutions for the devices, services and apps most commonly used by children and young people. Complicated settings are presented, explained and classified in simple steps. Parents thus find quick and uncomplicated access to exactly the protection solutions they need for their children. This saves them the time-consuming search for reliable and comprehensible information on each individual device and service.
Tailor-made protection solution thanks to media child-proof wizard 

As a further special feature, the infoportal's media child-proof wizard allows parents to create a customized protection solution based on their child's age and the devices and services they use. Parents are guided step-by-step through the instructions relevant to their children and thus always keep track of which settings have already been made and where there are still gaps in protection. If they wish, parents can also be notified by e-mail if the settings for the protective measures they are using have changed.

The website is a service of the Baden-Württemberg State Communications Authority (LFK), the Bremen State Media Authority (brema) and the Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Media Authority (MMV).

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