FIGHT BACK! Against sexualized violence on the netNew materials on cybergrooming for young people
When children and young people are online, they come into contact with many other users. However, not every chat contact just wants to chat a bit. The initiation of sexual contact is called cybergrooming. Perpetrators often involve adolescents in harmless conversations at first. Then they urge them to send intimate pictures or videos or send pornographic material themselves. Or they press for a face-to-face meeting. In 2021, the Media Authority of North Rhine-Westphalia conducted a survey. It showed that many children and young people are sexually harassed and abused on the Internet. An increase in cybergrooming is also evident in the police crime statistics of the Federal Criminal Police Office.
Materials on the topic of cybergrooming
Under the title "WEHR DICH! Against Sexualized Violence on the Net", there is now a brochure and videos, a poster and webcam stickers for young people on the subject of cybergrooming. The information brochure and the accompanying video series were developed in cooperation with the online counseling platform JUUUPORT developed. The project is supported by the Independent Commissioner for Child Sexual Abuse Issues (UBSKM).
A total of five videos can be accessed via QR codes in the brochure. In the videos, JUUUPORT scouts Jasmin and Stephan provide additional assistance. All videos can also be found at our Video series.
Campaign by klicksafe and JUUUPORT in September
With an online campaign in September 2022 we will address the issue of cybergrooming together with JUUUPORT. The campaign will focus on materials. But also many other tips, information and assistance around the topic of sexualized violence online.