Outlet Challenge: Trend with fire and life risk

Videos of young people deliberately creating an electrical short circuit are currently circulating on youth-oriented platforms under the name "Outlet Challenge". Using a charger and a coin, an electric shock is generated at an outlet, which can have fatal consequences. It can also cause fire and property damage to the electrical system or the entire building.

New tests of courage and challenges are constantly taking place on the Internet. The spectrum is wide and ranges from fitness-related challenges such as the "Plank Challenge" to dangerous actions such as the current outlet challenge.

The joint competence center of the federal and state governments jugendschutz.net urgently warns against imitations. Content that shows the Outlet Challenge and/or encourages participation should be reported to the relevantplatformsandInternet complaints centers .

What to do in case of dangerous challenges?

Anyone who is named or nominated for a challenge online is under pressure to take on the challenge. However, the social pressure must not lead to accepting behavior that is harmful to health or self-harming. Here, it is important to encourage young people not to put themselves in danger.

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