Truth be told (4): Johanna on beauty ideals

Field report


Published by: klicksafe

Target Groups: Educators Parents Teenagers


klicksafe video series "Truth be told". 

Most young people have already seen and experienced everything on the Internet. Even things they shouldn't necessarily see and experience: Porn, cyber-bullying, violence. Many adults think that young people accept this kind of content without thinking about it. The online video format "Truth be told" shows that this is not the case. Here, young people talk about their experiences on the Internet. How and when did they come into contact with topics such as sexting, hate speech or conspiracy theories, and how do they perhaps think about the events with a little distance?

Episode 4: Johanna (18 years old) talks about her experiences with beauty ideals.

The video series "Truth be told" is a production by (producer: Bastian Asdonk) on behalf of klicksafe (editors: Dilek Atalay/klicksafe, Stephan Tarnow/planpunkt).