More balance, less stress! - New klicksafe campaign #OnlineAmLimitklicksafe and campaign ambassador Natascha Ochsenknecht show families how to stay digitally balanced.
Düsseldorf, 28.08.23 | Everyday family life between the online world and real life can be exhausting. Between Zoom conferences and TikTok, gaming sessions and class chats, nerves are sometimes on edge. So it's no wonder that there's often a clash between the generations when it comes to screen time or digital limits. Almost every fourth child says that there are often arguments about this in their own family. Yet a good half of children and parents would like to spend less time with digital media, according to the results of a representative survey conducted by klicksafe among parents and their children in January 2023.
The EU initiative klicksafe, together with a mother who, as a media and social media professional, is very close to the topic, shows the risks and stress factors associated with too much online time and how families can keep control of this by mutual agreement: Natascha Ochsenknecht. "You have no idea which influencer or challenge your child is talking about again? Check out the channel! You are of the opinion that your child spends too much time on Instagram, TikTok and Co? Then ask yourself what that looks like for you and how you can spend more time offline together as a family. And: Don't lose sight of the fun!" says the campaign ambassador for #OnlineAmLimit.
Dr. Tobias Schmid,Director of the Media Authority of North Rhine-Westphalia, also emphasizes the important role of parents: "Using media to the right extent is just as much a challenge for parents as it is for children and young people. Children even often have a better sense of their media behavior than their parents. This is confirmed by our survey results from January 2023, according to which children critically question their own behavior more often than their parents. So parents can definitely learn something from their kids every now and then."
To ensure that digital fun doesn't get out of hand and that parents learn how to be good role models themselves, klicksafe has put together numerous practical tips for families as part of its current campaign: An entertaining introduction to the topic is offered by the klicksafe video series #OnlineAmLimit - your net. your life. your limits. Parents can find more suggestions for greater awareness of media use in the flyer Zwischen Apps und Abendessen - Mehr Balance im digitalen Familienalltag. In addition, klicksafe experts offer parents and other interested parties answers to the question of how digital usage times can be brought into balance in the family in a free web seminar and show where help is available in an emergency. With reels and a challenge call by Natascha Ochsenknecht on her Instagram channel (@nataschaochsenknecht) and that of klicksafe(@klicksafe), everyone who is concerned about the topic can also inform themselves and exchange ideas directly from August 28, 2023. klicksafe will receive additional support in the form of practical know-how for parents from Suchthilfe Aachen and the pme-Familienservice.
All information about the campaign #OnlineAmLimit and on the topic "More balance, less stress!" will be available from August 28, 2023, at
About klicksafe
The EU initiative klicksafe aims to promote people's online competence and to support them in their competent and critical use of the Internet with a wide range of offers. The EU initiative is politically and economically independent. In Germany, it is coordinated by the Media Authority of Rhineland-Palatinate and implemented together with the Media Authority of North Rhine-Westphalia. klicksafe is the national, German awareness center, and is funded by the Digital Europe Program (DIGITAL) of the European Union. Since 2008, klicksafe has also coordinated the Safer Internet Centre DE, which includes the Internet hotlines of eco, FSM and as well as the helpline Nummer gegen Kummer. On the website, users can find a wealth of up-to-date information, practical tips and teaching materials on digital services and topics. The target groups are parents, teachers, educators and multipliers.
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