klicksafe thematic focus 2024: Pornography on the netLet's talk about porn! Join us for Safer Internet Day!
Ludwigshafen/Düsseldorf, 26.10.2023 | Deepnudes, porn clips, dickpics - young people today are growing up in a sexualized media landscape. All it takes is a few clicks on a smartphone and the porn universe opens up. Not only for adults, but also for children and young people. Whether voluntarily while curiously surfing porn websites or unintentionally by sending it in class chats or on social media: Most young people come into contact with pornography for the first time between the ages of 12 and 14. Understanding pornography as part of young people's lives is therefore unavoidable.
klicksafe sees a need for action in this context: On the one hand, it is important to protect young people from content that is harmful to their development. On the other hand, it is important to talk to young people, as porn conveys stereotypes or unrealistic ideas about sexuality and body diversity. For Safer Internet Day 2024, the EU initiative with the theme "Let's talk about porn! Pornography online", the EU initiative is focusing its campaign on protecting and educating children and young people about pornographic content, sexual violence and digital boundary violations.
What are the consequences of porn consumption? Is porn addictive? How can children and young people be protected? Talking about sexuality and pornography is not easy for everyone. Many parents shy away and suppress the fact that their children have or have had potential contact with pornography. At the same time, there is great concern that children and young people will be negatively influenced by it and receive a false image of sexuality. For klicksafe, one thing is clear: sexuality education should not be left to porn websites.
Join in!
klicksafe is calling on institutions, foundations, companies, schools, youth organizations, educational institutions, associations and private individuals across Germany to take part in Safer Internet Day on 6 February 2024 with their own contributions and projects. Whether workshops, lectures, lessons, digital formats or discussion rounds - there are many ways to participate.
New klicksafe formats to support parents and teachers
In order to deal with the topic confidently and critically, klicksafe will provide various offers around Safer Internet Day 2024 with current media and sex education approaches. The aim is to create a space for discussion at various levels:
- forsa survey: current figures from a representative survey illustrate the challenges and experiences parents and young people are confronted with in relation to pornographic content.
- Teaching material: At the beginning of 2024, klicksafe experts will publish a completely revised version of the klicksafe handbook "Let's talk about porn", which was developed in cooperation with pro familia Bayern , for school lessons and extracurricular youth work. It contains background information for teachers and specialists as well as specific practical projects and worksheets on the content modules "Life in puberty", "Ideals of beauty in our society", "Pornography online" and "Sexualized violence and digital boundary violations".
- Material for parents: Information and tips are provided for parents to support them in the dialog about sexual education and pornography in the family.
- Knowledge quiz: The klicksafe quiz on "Pornography online" teaches young people about porn myths.
- Content and discussions can be found on social networks under the hashtags #SID24 and #SID2024.
All interested parties are called upon to take part in the day of action, to become active and creative and thus contribute to this year's thematic focus. Planned actions can be found at klicksafe.de/sid can be entered.
All information on the klicksafe website for the SID
At klicksafe.de/sid klicksafe provides detailed information about the campaign day, including an overview of the campaigns and formats taking place throughout Germany and the opportunity to register your own (online) events. On the website, you can also subscribe to the SID info service and download the accompanying material.
About Safer Internet Day
Safer Internet Day (SID) is a global day of action for more online safety and a better Internet for children and young people. It has been held on the Tuesday of the second week of February since 2004 and focuses on a new topic every year as part of the international motto "Together for a better internet". In Germany, Safer Internet Day is coordinated by the EU initiative klicksafe.
About klicksafe
The EU initiative klicksafe aims to promote people's online skills and to support them with a wide range of services to help them use the internet competently and critically. The EU initiative is politically and economically independent and is coordinated in Germany by the Media Authority of Rhineland-Palatinate and implemented together with the Media Authority of North Rhine-Westphalia. klicksafe is the national German awareness center and is funded by the Digital Europe Program (DIGITAL) of the European Union. Since 2008, klicksafe has also coordinated the Safer Internet Center DE, which includes the Internet hotlines of eco, FSM and jugendschutz.net as well as the helpline Nummer gegen Kummer . On the website www.klicksafe.de, users can find a wealth of up-to-date information, practical tips and teaching material on digital services and topics. The target groups are teachers, educators, parents and multipliers.
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