Fascination, dangers and opportunities on the net - how children surf (smart & safe)!

Parents' evening

Tuesday, 7th of February 2023
19:00 - 20:30

Wilhelmshöher Allee 262
34131 Kassel

Target Group(s)


Digital Family Talk on Safer Internet Day

At the online parents' evening (1.5 hours) on Safer Internet Day 2023, we provide an orientation to accompany children well in their first steps online. Parents will learn about sensible safety measures and consider rules of conduct together so that digital life is as safe as possible and the fun factor is maintained! The Internet ABC websites provide good support for this, which is then examined together.

The offer is for parents of elementary school children.

A registration is not necessary. Simply with interest in the evening of 07.02.2023 on the following left click and free of charge thereby be:



Client: Medienanstalt Hessen

Implementing organization: Blickwechsel e.V.

Further information: https://www.lpr-hessen.de/start/