Albstadt-Sigmaringen University - Protecting children and young people from perpetrators on the net

Information evening

Tuesday, 7th of February 2023
19:00 - 20:30

Post road 6
72458 Albstadt

Target Group(s)

Young people
Professional audience

Online games and social media are particularly popular with children and young people, but they are especially at risk here. For example, perpetrators pretend to be their peers on TikTok, Telegram, Fortnite, etc. in order to establish contacts and trusting relationships. This behavior, called cybergrooming, then often leads to sexual demands, or perpetrators build up strong pressure to bring about a real meeting.

The computer science faculty of the Albstadt-Sigmaringen University of Applied Sciences is participating in Safer Internet Day with an information event that fits this topic, because we do not always know who is "on the other end" or how authentic postings in social networks are. Parents, interested professionals and young people who want to learn more about this topic are invited. Experts from the university will give an insight into the strategies of perpetrators. They will show ways,
how to counter it technically, but also pedagogically, to minimize risks and use the virtual world wisely. Four perspectives will be briefly presented and discussed together.

Participants will be cyberpsychologist Prof. Dr. Stefan Sütterlin (What strategies do perpetrators use?),
Prof. Dr. Christian Henrich (Technical possibilities and limitations),
graduate pedagogue Michael Malina (Achieving competence in social media and how parents can support)
and students from the university (Virtual living worlds from the perspective of young people).

Online participation is possible via this link: (redirect to Microsoft Teams).

Further information: