Media Scouts - Community Meeting
Online action
Tuesday, 7th of February 2023
11:30 - 13:00
Court road 257C
56077 Koblenz
Target Group(s)
The Medienscouts.rlp are now active at over 200 schools in Rhineland-Palatinate. It's time to bring all these experiences and resources together! We would like to set up a network that allows you as Medienscouts.rlp to get to know each other beyond the garden fence of your school, exchange knowledge, or perhaps even initiate joint projects.
The starting signal for this will be our first online network meeting on Safer Internet Day 2023. On this day, we would first like to know from you: What experiences have you had as media scouts at your schools? What topics are burning under your nails? What do you expect from such a network? Or simply the question: In which direction would you like to develop further or just try it out? This day is for you!
Registration deadline is Friday, February 3, 2023.
Further information: and