Online conference: Supporting children and young people in self-reflective media use
Online action
Tuesday, 7th of February 2023
13:00 - 14:30
10115 Berlin
Target Group(s)
Experts / professional audience
Pedagogical professionals
Constant availability, not wanting to miss anything in the group chat, or quickly playing another round of the new online game: Digital media accompany us in our everyday lives and are constantly present. The amount of time spent using them is increasing for all age groups, as is the level of stress and the feeling of not being able to put the smartphone down. How can educational professionals and educators sensitize children and young people to their own digital well-being and guide them in reflective and self-determined media use?
On the occasion of Safer Internet Day 2023, which this year takes place under the motto #OnlineAmLimit, the initiative office "Growing up well with media" invites you to the online conference "Digitally mindful - supporting children and young people in self-reflective media use" on Tuesday, 07 February 2023 from 13:00 to 14:30.
In the introductory lecture, Franziska Seidel from extrazwei will outline what triggers digital stress, how it affects us and how both adults and children and young people can establish a healthy approach to media. In a holistic approach, they combine principles from media education with proven strategies from stress management - so that the benefits of digitization can be enjoyed without suffering from the burdens of digital stress.
In addition, Kristin Langer, media coach at the parents' guide SCHAU HIN! What your child is doing with media, explains the perspective of adolescents when dealing with media and shows how family conflicts about media can be classified from the perspective of media education. Using examples from counseling practice, she also provides tips suitable for everyday use on how to practice conscious media use and contribute to the well-being of all family members.
Finally, Susanne Neuerburg presents the online counseling platform, where young scouts volunteer to advise their peers on topics such as cyberbullying, data protection or media stress. The focus is on the advantages of both forms of advice, via contact form and via Messenger. In addition, practical examples and solutions based on real counseling requests will be presented.
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