"#OnlineAmLimit - your network. your life. your limits."

Discussion event

Monday, 6th of February 2023
11:00 - 13:00

Sophienstr. 2
30159 Hanover

Target Group(s)

Young people
Experts / professional audience
Journalists / Media



Writing WhatsApp messages, watching videos on YouTube, posting photos on Instagram or asking Google for advice: the cell phone is our constant companion and an indispensable part of everyday life. But how much is too much? Where does it make sense to set limits? On the occasion of Safer Internet Day 2023 with the motto "#OnlineAmLimit - your net. your life. your limits." the Lower Saxony State Media Authority (NLM), JUUU-PORT e.V. and h1 would like to take a look at the topic of media consumption and illuminate the possible dependencies on the "all-rounder smartphone" from different perspectives. To this end, they invite you to a discussion event on February 6 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Künst-lerhaus in Hanover (Sophienstr. 2).

Andreas Garbe, gaming journalist and managing director of the Hanover-based public broadcaster h1, will open the event with a welcome address. The annual Safer Internet Day, which is organized in Germany by the EU initiative klicksafe, this year poses the questions of what skills adults as well as children and young people need for a healthy media consumption balance and what binding rules can look like in jobs, school and leisure time. Questions about healthy media consumption are also relevant for the three organizers in their daily work: NLM reviews the legal youth media protection of private radio and television broadcasters and supports the media literacy promotion of certain projects, including JUUUPORT. JUUUPORT helps young people with problems on the Internet. Young people's lives in particular have become increasingly digital. 96% of young people own a smartphone (JIM Study 2022). Those seeking advice regularly contact the online counseling service with questions about their media consumption. h1 has a journalistic interest in this highly topical issue and, in Andreas Garbe, a managing director with expertise in the field of gaming addiction.

After the welcome, JUUUPORT scout Kevin Lehmann, who volunteers to help other young people with problems online, will present his self-developed rap song "Ich bin (nicht) süchtig" ("I'm (not) addicted"), in which he critically reflects on the cell phone use of his generation. Together with JUUUPORT scout Anna-Marie Bredohl, he will then report on the questions young people ask JUUUPORT's online counseling service in connection with their media consumption and on the educational and prevention work of the peer-to-peer project. For example, an online guidebook, an online seminar for school classes and youth groups, social media campaigns and in-fomaterial on media addiction are offered.

In the subsequent discussion round, the question of what it actually means to "be at the limit online" will be explored. Does intensive online use equal online addiction? What forms of "being at the limit" are there? When is the borderline to dependency crossed? How can we counteract the danger? And how can those affected be helped?

The participating experts are:
- Prof. Christian Krebs, Director of the Lower Saxony State Media Authority (NLM), Hanover
- Dr. Sabine Voermans, Head of Health Management at Techniker Krankenkasse, Hamburg
- Prof. Dr. Christoph Klimmt, Director of the Institute for Journalism and Communication Research (IJK), Hanover
- Dr. Pavle Zagorscak, Supervisor of the JUUUPORT Scouts, Research Associate, Department of Clinical-Psychological Intervention, Free University of Berlin
- Tabea Freitag, Dipl.Psychologist, "return", Fachstelle Mediensucht Hannover
- Kevin Lehmann and Anna-Marie Bredohl, JUUUPORT scouts

Andreas Garbe, managing director of h1, will moderate the discussion.
The entire event will be recorded by h1 and broadcast on February 7, Safer Internet Day.

Interested parties (educators, media scientists, parents, students, etc.) are cordially invited to attend the event. Please register by February 1 at the following e-mail address: info@juuuport.de.

Further information: https://www.juuuport.de and https://www.juuuport.de/magazin/news/aktuelle-meldungen/newsdetail/onlineamlimit-dein-netz-dein-leben-deine-grenzen