Safer Internet Day at the Pestalozzioberschule Zwickau

School Event

Wednesday, 8th of February 2023
7:30 - 14:00

Seminarstraße 3, 08058 Zwickau
08058 Zwickau

Target Group(s)



PiT Steering Group Zwickau/Vogtlandkreis with the Media Education Center Zwickau District

The action day at the Pestalozzioberschule Zwickau on the occasion of Safer Internet Day will take place on 08.02.2023 for the 5th classes. In various workshops, the students deal with the topics of social networks, gaming and cyberbullying. The action day is organized by the interagency network Prevention in Team (PiT) Vogtlandkreis/County of Zwickau and the Media Education Center of the County of Zwickau.