TÜV MeetUp
Online action
Tuesday, 7th of February 2023
09:30 - 10:30
Target Group(s)
Professional audience
ChatGPT, robots and autonomous driving: The technologies in the field of artificial intelligence demonstrate the rapid and in some cases groundbreaking developments that are becoming possible. As a cross-sectional technology, AI has recently made possible, for example, voice and facial recognition in smartphones, recommendations in online stores, the management of our flood of digital images, intelligent navigation and many innovative solutions in areas such as mobility and medicine - with far-reaching consequences for consumers, society, the economy and the state. However, the associated opportunities are also accompanied by new and in part still unknown risks and challenges. This is where certification comes into play as a confidence-building measure.
- What can certification do in the field of digital technologies? What kind of AI certification do we need?
- Where do we currently stand in the certification of AI systems?
- What are the concrete added values and challenges?
- What are consumers and politicians demanding, and what is already being done legislatively in Germany and at EU level?
These and many other questions will be discussed with
- Maik Außendorf, Member of the Bundestag, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen (Alliance 90/The Greens)
- Susanne Dehmel, Member of the Executive Board Law & Security Bitkom e.V.
- Andreas Könen, Head of Department, Federal Ministry of the Interior and Home Affairs (BMI)
- Dr. Dirk Schlesinger, Chief Digital Officer TÜV Süd and Head of TÜV AI Lab
- Michaela Schröder, Head of Consumer Policy Division, Federation of German Consumer Organisations (vzbv).
All information can also be found at www.tuev-verband.de.