Presentation "DigiTales" material box for elementary school

Online action

Tuesday, 7th of February 2023
16:30 - 17:30

Fangelsbachstr. 19
70180 Stuttgart

Target Group(s)

Experts / professional audience
Journalists / media
School social work, pedagogical specialists at elementary schools

The target group is educational specialists in school social work, all-day care, and teachers at elementary schools.

The materials box contains 32 impulse cards for media competence, 13 impulses for violence prevention, and a chapter for media education work with parents.

In this webinar, which lasts about 45 minutes, the working materials will be presented.

If you are interested in our SID 2023 event, you can register using the contact form at

You will also find more information there.

For the educational institutions or schools, both the working materials (box) and all other events that may be related to the box (training, parents' evenings) are free of charge. All costs incurred are borne by the aim-Akademie Heilbronn and the Caritasverband für Stuttgart.

Further information: