"White Hats for Future: Hacking Challenge for Students 2023

Online action

Tuesday to Tuesday, 7th to 14th of February 2023

At the technology center 8
86159 Augsburg

The Hacking Challenge 2023 at Augsburg University is themed "White Hats for Future". So-called 'white hat hackers' are different from other hackers. They do not want to cause any damage, but use their security knowledge to inform companies about security vulnerabilities.

For this reason, HSA_innos and Augsburg University of Applied Sciences invite students from all types of schools to take part in the Virtual Hacking Challenge. The competition is particularly suitable for students in eighth grade and above, and especially for young people with an interest in computer science and mathematics. In the challenge, the students have to solve a variety of tricky tasks.

Starts on 07 February 2023 at 14:00. The tasks can then be worked on forone week, until Tuesday, 14 February 2023 at 14:00. The virtual award ceremony will take place on February 15, 2023 from 16:00. The Challenge is virtual and free of charge.

Registration is possible at any time. However, the tasks are only visible at the beginning of the Challenge. More information and the link to register is available here: www.hacking-challenge.de

Further information: https://www.hsainnos.de and

