klicksafe workshop on the Digital Detox Box


Monday, 3rd of July 2023
13:30 till 15:00

Media:TOR Speyer

Maximilianstrasse 8
67346 Speyer

Target Group(s)

Pedagogical specialists (extracurricular projects and teachers of lower and upper secondary schools)





Who hasn't experienced this: We actually wanted to put the smartphone away a long time ago, but we're still glued to our devices. The pull of the digital world is getting stronger and stronger. Many of us are finding it increasingly difficult to control it. Children and young people in particular need support to strengthen their digital well-being and stay digitally in balance.

As part of the "Week of Media Literacy" , klicksafe is offering a workshop in which educators can get to know the klicksafe material "Digital Detox Box". It contains different methods around the topic of digital well-being for youth work in and out of school.

Registration for the workshop is possible via this link.