Using media safely. How to help your child deal with media

Web seminar

Tuesday, 10th of September 2024
19:00 to 20:15

Target Group(s)

Parents and legal guardians




You can register via our registration form.

Streaming services, games consoles, tablets and smartphones - as soon as children use media independently, parents and guardians are faced with various challenges: How can the devices be set to be child-safe? Which services and apps are suitable? How can technical protection solutions be sensibly integrated into media education? Answers and assistance are provided in the joint klicksafe and web seminar . 

In the web seminar "Using media safely. How to accompany your child in dealing with media" you will learn about the information service where you will find step-by-step instructions for a wide range of technical devices, services and apps. It is also possible to create a customized technical protection solution based on your child's age and the devices and services they use. 

klicksafe will give you media education tips for balanced media use and we will provide information on how you can support and guide your children in their use of digital media.  

We look forward to answering your questions afterwards. 

Note: The access link will be sent to participants a few days before the event. Please also check your spam folder if you have not received a link on the day of the web seminar. If you have any questions, please contact: webseminar☞ Please insert an @ here ☜klicksafe☞ Please insert a dot here ☜de