Various institutions and initiatives qualify speakers for parent work and/or conduct parent evenings themselves. Sorted by federal state, some actors and contact persons are listed below, whom interested parents, schools, kindergartens or speakers themselves can contact:

Further information

  • The Clearing House for Media Competence offers an extensive collection of institutions that are active in media education.
  • In addition, many media centers as well as employees of the police (area "prevention") conduct parents' evenings: The police departments of the individual federal states can be reached via or via the websites of the respective state criminal investigation departments. An overview of the media centers in Germany can be found on the German education server:

Baden Württemberg

Aktion Jugendschutz (ajs)
Baden-Württemberg State Office
Jahnstr. 12
70597 Stuttgart

Contact person:

Ursula Kluge
Phone: 0711/2373717 Mobile: 0157/51364039
E-mail: kluge☞ Please insert an @ here ☜ajs-bw☞ Please insert a dot here ☜de

Direct links:

The ajs, Fachreferat Medien, arranges and qualifies speakers for media pedagogical theme evenings with parents. Qualified experts work together in the state network for media education work with parents, offering local events for parents and families on how to deal with media. The programs are aimed at parents of kindergarten children through to parents of teenagers and cover the entire spectrum of the modern media world. Click on the map to find information about the individual speakers, their main topics, target groups and how to contact them.

Fachstelle Medien
Diözese Rottenburg-Stuttgart

Jahnstraße 32
70597 Stuttgart

Protestant Media House GmbH
Augustenstrasse 124
70197 Stuttgart

Contact persons:

Gabriella Parditka
Tel.: 0711 / 9791-2015


Karola Kuhs
Tel.: 0711 22276-75
Fax: 0711 22276-43
karola.kuhs☞ Please insert an @ here ☜evmedienhaus☞ Please insert a dot here ☜de

Direct links:

For parents' evenings, seminars or projects with media-pedagogical contents, speakers on various topics are arranged in your region.

The ecumenical team works on behalf of two media offices:   Fachstelle Medien der Diözese Rottenburg-Stuttgart and Evangelisches Medienhaus GmbH. The media advisors work full-time in educational fields and thus support the media education activities of the two institutions on site. The main topics of the media advisors are, among others:

  • Active media work and workshops
  • Algorithm, artificial intelligence, robotics
  • Apps and mobile media
  • Audio formats (e.g. podcast and radio play)
  • Computer and console games
  • Digital religious education
  • Film work
  • Youth media use
  • Media work with senior citizens
  • Media literacy in general, e.g. hate speech, fake news, cyberbullying, etc.
  • Media use by children and media in the family
  • social media
  • Virtual reality and augmented reality


Aktion Jugendschutz Landesarbeitsstelle Bayern e.V.
Dom-Pedro-Straße 17
80637 Munich

Contact person:
Ms. Nataša Eckert

Phone: 089/12157331
E-mail: info☞ Please insert an @ here ☜elterntalk☞ Please insert a dot here ☜net
Internet: /

A preventive, low-threshold parent education program in the area of educational child and youth protection.

ELTERNTALK initiates discussions with parents on the topics of media, consumption, sexual education, growing up healthily and parenting. A host invites other parents to their home for a themed, approximately two-hour ELTERNTALK. The discussion is accompanied by a trained moderator who is a mother or father themselves and deals with current parenting topics: "What to do, TV and PC games are a constant point of contention in our house ...?", "What do I need to consider when using the Internet?", "From what age does it make sense for my child to have a cell phone?", "What is important to me in parenting?"

At the heart of ELTERNTALK is the dialogical exchange of experiences between parents, who are the experts in their own knowledge. The guided exchange of experiences strengthens parents in their everyday parenting and their communication networks and promotes social life in the respective living environments.

ELTERNTALK is aimed at all parents with children up to the age of 18, especially parents with an intercultural background and parents in special and/or difficult circumstances. The discussion groups are offered in the native language if required and participation is free of charge.

ELTERNTALK offers are available in all administrative districts of Bavaria in more than 40 regions. You can find contacts for the regional contact persons at If you are interested in implementing ELTERNTALK, please contact the Bavaria-wide project management:

The ELTERNTALK project is funded by the Bavarian State Ministry for Family, Labor and Social Affairs and the Bavarian State Ministry for Health, Care and Prevention.

Goethestraße 17
80336 Munich

Contact: Daniela Riedel
Phone (089)92 00 89-17
E-mail: sesk☞ Please insert an @ here ☜kinderschutzbund-bayern☞ Please insert a dot here ☜de 

Television, the Internet and cell phones are daily companions for children and young people. More and more parents are observing an increase in their children's media consumption and are asking themselves how they can accompany their children and young people in this area.

The media course "Ways through the media jungle - accompanying children and young people safely in the media world" addresses this question. Over the course of four evenings, parents and educators will gain insights into the opportunities and challenges of television, the Internet, computer games and cell phones, and will receive helpful tips on what rules and limits make sense in media education. The course participants have the opportunity to become aware of their own educational ideas in dealing with various media, to strengthen communication on the topic of new media in the family and to obtain professional information on age-appropriate media use. The aim of the course is to strengthen parents in their media education so that they can prepare their children for responsible media use.

The course is aimed at all parents with children or young people. 

Contact persons: Judith Ludwig / Verena Radmanic
Phone: (089) 63 808-232 / -213

Making parents fit for media education - that is the aim of the Bavarian Media Education Referent Network. Bavarian educational institutions such as daycare centers, schools or family centers can request speakers for free media education evenings for parents at  

The experts trained by the BLM Stiftung Medienpädagogik Bayern provide parents with media education background knowledge and practical tips for everyday parenting. The non-profit foundation not only covers the speakers' fees and travel expenses, but also supports the educational institutions in planning and holding the parents' evenings. It provides individual advice on the choice of topics and focus and gives organizational tips and advice on promoting the events.

Parents' evenings on the topic of media use in the family are available for the age groups of 3 to 6-year-olds, 6 to 10-year-olds and 10 to 14-year-olds. For the last two age groups, additional offers with in-depth information on topics such as the internet and smartphones, digital games, fake news, social media or cyber bullying can be selected. 

The Bavarian Media Education Referent Network is a service of the BLM Stiftung Medienpädagogik Bayern and is funded by the Bavarian State Chancellery.

SIN - Studio im Netz e.V.
Haus der Medienbildung
Heiglhofstraße 1
81377 Munich

Contact person:
Contact persons: Sonja di Vetta, Björn Friedrich

Phone: 089/724677-00
Fax: 089/724677-01

SIN - Studio im Netz is a specialist media education facility in Munich. Since 1996, SIN has been helping people to use digital media competently and promoting self-determined participation in our digitalized society. With its activities, SIN promotes active, creative media work and is dedicated to cultural and political media education.
SIN implements projects, organizes events and offers seminars and training courses. Speaker activities are individually adapted, for example school class programs in all school and age groups, further training for educators and teachers or parents' evenings in schools and day-care centers. Various materials for parents and educators can be found on the SIN website.
SIN is recognized as a non-profit organization and as a provider of independent youth welfare in accordance with § 75 KJHG (Child and Youth Welfare Act).
SIN projects and activities are supported by Sozialreferat/Stadtjugendamt, Kulturreferat and Referat für Bildung und Sport of the City of Munich.


About BITS 21 
BITS 21 is a further education institution with a focus on media education and is aimed at educational professionals in daycare centers, schools and youth work.

Sponsored by the Förderverein für Jugend und Sozialarbeit (fjs e. V.), it provides regional and nationwide training for educational professionals and parents to strengthen media and media education skills and supports projects to promote media literacy among children and young people. BITS21 cooperates with regional partners and develops further offers for the management and professionalization of educational institutions.   

BITS 21 im fjs e. V.
Marchlewskistraße 27, 10243 Berlin
Johanna Sprenger, Sarah Lange
Phone: +49 30 278 62 95
Fax: +49 30 279 01 26
E-mail: info☞ Please insert an @ here ☜bits21☞ Please insert a dot here ☜de

Implementation and individual support of events on media education and parent education in Berlin
The use of media by children, young people and families has changed rapidly in recent years. Educational institutions are now faced with new challenges in order to be able to competently support families in questions of media education. 

In order to provide you with the best possible support in media education cooperation with parents and families, we offer you the opportunity to request and book a trained parent media trainer to accompany and implement your family education events, team training or children's or youth workshops. 

Click here for more information.


AKJS Brandenburg e.V.
c/o Haus der Jugend, Schulstraße 9
14482 Potsdam

Doctor Sophie Reimers
Phone: 0331-951 3170
E-mail: info☞ Please insert an @ here ☜eltern-medien-beratung☞ Please insert a dot here ☜de    

Direct link:

The action child and youth protection Brandenburg registered association. (AKJS) has been offering support in conducting parents' evenings at schools and child and youth welfare facilities since July 2009. The project of the Medienanstalt Berlin-Brandenburg is funded by the state of Brandenburg. The speakers for the parents' events are parent media advisors who have been trained by the AKJS in a variety of media education topics. They impart their knowledge on the subject of media use at parents' evenings and workshops, in online parents' seminars, discussion groups and events at educational and childcare institutions.

The topics of the parents' evenings: 

  • For parents of daycare children: "Media in everyday family life: from when, how much and what?"
  • For parents of elementary school children: "The digital challenge - How we can support our children".
  • For parents of teenagers: "What are you playing? Which apps are in right now and why"

Social Web macht Schule gGmbH
Tharandter Straße 13
01159 Dresden 

Contact person:
Marcel Burghardt 

Phone: 03512130380
Email: info☞ Please insert an @ here ☜social-web-macht-schule☞ Please insert a dot here ☜de
Internet:, and

As a non-profit organization, Social Web macht Schule has been working locally and personally throughout Saxony since 2011 to promote a self-determined and responsible approach to digital media, especially social networks and digital games. Our range of services includes workshops for school classes, evening events for parents and training courses for teachers, in which the opportunities and challenges of using the internet are discussed in depth. Always on an equal footing, we advocate understanding and enlightened interaction on the internet - against fake news, cyberbullying and the risk of addiction.

Target group: Children and young people from year 2 to 12, parents, educators, parents

Duration: between 90 minutes and all day

Topics: Cyberbullying, risk of addiction through social networks and digital games, fake news and deep fakes, influencers and fake worlds, data protection and copyright, ChatGPT and AI.

Appointments also possible at short notice. Costs by arrangement.


Bremische Landesmedienanstalt, (bre(ma
Richtweg 14
28195 Bremen

Phone: 0421/33 49 40
Fax: 0421/323533
E-mail: info☞ Please insert an @ here ☜bremische-landesmedienanstalt☞ Please insert a dot here ☜de

Direct link:

App gezockt - our media education workshop for parents
Mobile phone games such as Candy Crush Saga, Quizduell and Angry Birds are particularly popular with children and young people, and they spend a lot of their free time playing them. Most games are "free-to-play," which means they are free - at least at first glance. However, conflicts often arise in the family: too much, too expensive, too scary! Our workshop explains the possible risks of apps and provides an insight into the gaming world of children and young people. Together, we will try out and evaluate different game apps. Experience for yourself why these games are so much fun and find suitable gaming alternatives for your children. The event is free of charge and can take place with a minimum of 10 participants.

Regional Office Bremen
Parkallee 48
28209 Bremen 


Phone: 0421/7926968
E-mail: bremen☞ Please insert an @ here ☜blickwechsel☞ Please insert a dot here ☜org

Direct link:

Media education evenings for parents

What media do children use and how does media "affect" children? What can conscious media use in the family look like? How can we support and encourage children as they grow up in media environments? These and similar questions are the focus of the two-hour information events for parents. After an activating introduction to the topic, a short presentation will provide basic knowledge about media use and the perception and effect of media on children and young people. In an open discussion round, tips for dealing with media in everyday family life are discussed and, for example, guidance is given on suitable programs, websites, computer games and apps. Of course, there will also be time for an exchange of experiences, discussion and questions. Detailed topic requests can of course be discussed with the speakers.

Am Deich 62
28199 Bremen

Markus Gerstmann
Tel: 0421 / 33008915
E-Mail: gerstmann☞ Please insert an @ here ☜jugendinfo☞ Please insert a dot here ☜de
Internet: and

Educate yourself, participate, have your say, get active ...

The Service Bureau Youth Information offers parents' evenings on safe use of the Internet for schools in Bremen on behalf of the Bremen State Media Authority. The event is aimed at parents and teachers and can be requested free of charge if at least ten people attend. The event provides factual information about the various dangers on the Internet and discusses strategies for dealing with these dangers. Key topics include social networks, smartphones and cyberbullying. The number of parents' evenings is limited.

In addition, the ServiceBureau Jugendinformation offers lectures for professionals and interested people on topics relevant to media education as well as workshops for young people. For topics that we do not cover, we are happy to refer you to the relevant colleagues.

The ServiceBureau supports young people in their need for information and communication and provides them with a communication forum on topics relevant to young people from everyday life, education and politics at . The virtual Bremen state youth information system is also aimed at multipliers in youth work and other adult reference persons.


Regional office Hamburg
Wiesendamm 59
22305 Hamburg
Contact: Nina Soppa

Phone: 0176 62164717
Email: hamburg☞ Please insert an @ here ☜blickwechsel☞ Please insert a dot here ☜org

Direct link

Media education evenings for parents

What media do children use and how does media "affect" children? What can conscious media use in the family look like? How can we support and encourage children as they grow up in media environments? These and similar questions are the focus of the two-hour information events for parents. After an activating introduction to the topic, a short presentation will provide basic knowledge about media use and the perception and effect of media on children and young people. In an open discussion round, tips for dealing with media in everyday family life are discussed and, for example, guidance is given on suitable programs, websites, computer games and apps. Of course, there will also be time for an exchange of experiences, discussion and questions. Detailed topic requests can of course be discussed with the speakers.

Ludwig-Erhard-Str. 22
20459 Hamburg

Alina Feustel
Consultant for Media Education and Schools
Phone: 040 - 428 54-4708
E-mail: alina.feustel☞ Please insert an @ here ☜☞ Please insert a dot here ☜de

The Hamburg Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (HmbBfDI) advises Hamburg residents on all data protection issues, supports them in exercising their rights to access information, and helps them enforce their rights. Another task of the HmbBfDI is to educate the public about data protection issues - with a special focus on children and young people.

Through workshops, training courses and information events geared to specific target groups, the HmbBfDI aims to raise awareness among children, young people and their parents/guardians of the need to handle personal data in a data-protection-conscious manner and to educate them about important and current issues of data protection and data security.

The website of the HmbBfDI provides relevant information material on these topics. In addition, schools and (educational) institutions can request workshops (e.g., in the form of a parents' evening) on the topic of data protection competence from the HmbBfDI.

Rathausallee 72-76
22846 Norderstedt

Bodil Diederichsen
Head of Location Promotion and Media Competence
Phone: 040 - 369 005 22
Fax: 040 - 369 005 55

The Media Authority Hamburg/Schleswig-Holstein (MA HSH) is responsible for the protection of minors from harmful media in the two federal states mentioned above and is also the point of contact for prevention issues. The MA HSH focuses in particular on the Internet use of children between the ages of three and 14 and relies on the responsibility of parents. The MA HSH supports them and teachers with questions relating to media education - especially with its magazine scout(, which you can subscribe to free of charge in addition to the newsletter. The MA HSH is also involved in events in Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein on the subject and in the dissemination of the media authorities' media literacy education program for 3rd and 4th graders, the Internet ABC.

Finkenau 35
22081 Hamburg

Marlen Lutz
Phone: 040 - 325 99 03 - 60
E-mail: mail☞ Please insert an @ here ☜marlenlutz☞ Please insert a dot here ☜com or m.lutz☞ Please insert an @ here ☜tidenet☞ Please insert a dot here ☜de

Direct link:

Parent-media guides
What do children do on the Internet? What content do they share on their cell phones? How dangerous are the games they have on their computers? Many parents are at a loss when faced with the new media, with all their dangers and possibilities. Parent media guides help to close these gaps in knowledge. They provide advice at parents' evenings or in consultation hours at schools and guide adults through the virtual jungle.

TIDE trains educators as parent media guides and places them in schools: The graduates of the course conduct media-pedagogical parent evenings there. They give lectures on demand and can organize parent meetings or information events on topics such as games, cell phones or the Internet with beamers, notebooks and information sheets.


Wilhelmshöher Allee 262
34131 Kassel

Sandra Bischoff
Phone: 0561-093586-0
E-mail: bischoff☞ Please insert an @ here ☜lpr-hessen☞ Please insert a dot here ☜de

When it comes to media education work in Hesse, there is no getting around the LPR Hessen, as an established institution. Over the years, LPR Hessen has built up a diverse range of media education projects for children and young people. However, in order to convey media competence comprehensively and in a trend-setting manner, it quickly became clear to LPR Hessen that the educational professionals from daycare centers and schools, as well as parents, have an important role to play. For this reason, all of LPR Hessen's media projects - with a view to sustainability - also include offerings or content for this adult target group.

LPR Hessen offers the following parent/family programs

Media evenings for parents in daycare centers and schools in Hessen:

The parents' evening is an action-oriented information offer for legal guardians and pedagogical experts. Possible topics include media use in early childhood, television, computer (games), Internet, cell phones, and general information about media education. The parents' evenings provide important information and clarify questions about media use and the effects of media on children.

Projects in daycare centers

Projects at elementary schools

Projects at secondary schools

The project is carried out - on behalf of the LPR Hessen - by:
Blickwechsel e.V., Tel.: 0551/487106, E-Mail: blickwechsel☞ Please insert an @ here ☜blickwechsel☞ Please insert a dot here ☜org, Project information / Registration

Media education action day - hands-on day for children and their parents:

It is important that parents get to know their children's media worlds and are able to weigh up the risks and opportunities of the new electronic media: The concept of the "media-pedagogical action days" aims to bring parents and children together so that they can jointly deal with the media worlds in which they move.

Further information

The project is being carried out - on behalf of the LPR Hessen - by:
Blickwechsel e.V. Tel.: 0551/487106, e-mail: blickwechsel☞ Please insert an @ here ☜blickwechsel☞ Please insert a dot here ☜org, Project information / Registration

Note: In addition, the LPR Hessen has many media education programs in which aspects of parental work are integrated.

Further information

Media Project Center
Offener Kanal Kassel
Im KulturBahnhof
34117 Kassel
Phone: 05 61 / 920 0 920
Fax: 05 61 / 920 0 9222
E-mail: info☞ Please insert an @ here ☜mok-kassel☞ Please insert a dot here ☜de

Media Project Center
Offener Kanal Gießen
Unterer Hardthof 19
35398 Gießen
Phone: 0641/9605007
Fax: 0641/9605008
E-mail: okgiessen☞ Please insert an @ here ☜lpr-hessen☞ Please insert a dot here ☜de

Media project center
open channel Rhine Main
citizen of Berlin road 175
63067 open brook
Fon medium-education:
telephone: 069 / 82 36 91 02
fax: 069 / 82 36 91 01

Media Project Center
Offener Kanal Fulda
Bahnhofstr. 26
36037 Fulda
Phone: 06 61/90 13 - 0 55
Fax: 06 61/90 13 - 0 56
E-mail: kontakt☞ Please insert an @ here ☜mok-fulda☞ Please insert a dot here ☜de

Karl-Glöckner Str. 21 B; R 217
35394 Gießen


Phone: 0551/487106
Fax: 0551/487106

Direct link:

Media education evenings for parents

What media do children use and how does media "affect" children? What can conscious media use in the family look like? How can we support and encourage children as they grow up in media environments? These and similar questions are the focus of the two-hour information events for parents. After an activating introduction to the topic, a short presentation will provide basic knowledge about media use and the perception and effect of media on children and young people. In an open discussion round, tips for dealing with media in everyday family life are discussed and, for example, guidance is given on suitable programs, websites, computer games and apps. Of course, there will also be time for an exchange of experiences, discussion and questions. Detailed topic requests can of course be discussed with the speakers.

In addition, Blickwechsel e.V. in Hesse also offers parent and parent-child programs as part of the Internet ABC and the Digital Family Talk.

Hessian Ministry of the Interior and Sports                                      
Network against Violence
Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 12
65185 Wiesbaden

Phone: 0611/353 - 2182, 2184
Fax: 0611/353 - 2109


The Network Against Violence is the violence prevention initiative of the Hessian state government and is supported by the Hessian State Chancellery, the Hessian Ministry of the Interior and Sports, the Hessian Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs, the Hessian Ministry of Social Affairs and the Hessian Ministry of Justice, Integration and Europe.
One of the network's key topics is media literacy. By initiating regional media networks, resources are pooled and needs are served in a targeted manner by the various network partners.

Regional media networks:

medienblau gGmbH
Schillerstr. 73
34117 Kassel

Philipp Buchholtz
Phone: (0561) 827 925 0
E-mail: mail☞ Please insert an @ here ☜medienblau☞ Please insert a dot here ☜de

News Caching - Between facts, fakes and filter bubbles.
In News Caching, pupils (from year 8) actively engage with the topics of online journalism, fake news and sources of information on the internet. In the course of the project, students reflect on their own news behavior, learn to check sources, create their own news articles and debunk fake news. News Caching is carried out as a compact face-to-face project (2 days) directly at school. A training unit for teachers is integrated. The implementation is carried out by two experienced trainers from the education agency medienblau.

Direct link to News Caching:

Webklicker - We click clever! Surfing the net safely.
Webklicker uses a variety of methods to teach pupils (grades 5/6) how to use digital media safely, fairly and creatively. The four topics of communication, entertainment, rights and information are dealt with in a practical and age-appropriate way. An online parents' evening, co-designed by the pupils, involves parents and guardians. Webklicker is carried out as a compact face-to-face project (2 days) directly in the school. An advanced training unit for teachers is integrated. The implementation is carried out by two experienced trainers from the education agency medienblau.

Direct link to Webklicker:

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

Bleicherufer 1
19053 Schwerin

René Dettmann
Tel.: 0385 558 81 14
E-mail: r.dettmann☞ Please insert an @ here ☜medienanstalt-mv☞ Please insert a dot here ☜de

Medienanstalt Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (MMV) promotes a wide range of media education and media literacy projects, educational events, specialist conferences, publications and project weeks. It also runs the open channels in Rostock, Schwerin, Neubrandenburg, Greifswald and Malchin. The open channels (OCs) are citizen broadcasters and media education centers. In cooperation with them, projects can be developed and carried out in practice to learn and train media skills in a variety of ways. The production and broadcasting facilities can be used free of charge for this purpose. 

Close cooperation partners in many projects are the M-V State Office of Criminal Investigation and the M-V State Office of Data Protection, for example in the "Medienscouts MV" project, in which young people are trained for peer-to-peer projects. Medienanstalt M-V is also a partner in the statewide network Medienaktiv M-V. This advises politicians and the media industry on shaping the media landscape in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, effectively picks up on current developments in the media and encourages joint action. The focus is on promoting media competence and protecting the media for children, young people, adults and senior citizens. Medienaktiv M-V helps to find partners for new and existing projects, offers and ideas as well as for a joint public appearance.

Direct links:

State Coordination Office for Addiction Issues MV
Lübecker Str. 24 a
19053 Schwerin

Birgit Grämke
Tel.: 0385/7851561
graemke☞ Please insert an @ here ☜lakost-mv☞ Please insert a dot here ☜de

Direct link:

We offer

  • In-school continuing education for teachers
  • Supportive individual and team consultation for planning and implementation  of teaching plans and  projects
  • Parents' evenings
  • Further training for educators
  • Training for youth social workers and other multipliers

Media are fundamentally changing communication at school, at work and in our free time. Facebook, WhatsApp, Skype... offer adolescents a new space in which they can exchange ideas, just like in the schoolyard or in their free time. Here they find new contacts, maintain their friendships or organize dates.

The various network operators offer their members a wide range of functions for this purpose, in particular to enable the uncomplicated and simple exchange of information with messages, photos or videos.  Everything is connected to the smartphone. These options have become a matter of course for children and young people. In addition to an  insight into the media world of children and young people, it is also about action strategies in the family, school or youth facilities.

Topics can be:       

  • How much media does a child need?  (TV, advertising, Internet, smartphone)
  • Smartphone, apps & Cyberbullying
  • Always ON - contemporary or dangerous?
  • The media as a secret seducer?
  • Between friendships, sex and beauty craze

Lower Saxony

Seelhorststraße 18
30175 Hannover

Lorenz Preuß
Media Competence Officer

Phone: 0511 28477-0
Fax: 0511 28477-36
E-mail: preuss☞ Please insert an @ here ☜nlm☞ Please insert a dot here ☜de  

The Lower Saxony State Media Authority (NLM) promotes the development and strengthening of media competence in almost all areas of education. It provides media education services for schools, for extracurricular youth work, for adult education and for early childhood education. The focus is on the qualification of teachers, educators and pedagogical staff of extracurricular institutions. For the promotion of practical media work, the state media authority has set up six multimedia mobile decentralized in the state. In addition, the NLM supports the 15 citizens' broadcasters and, in association with other state media authorities, is the sponsor of the self-help platform "". In the Media Competence Network, the NLM cooperates with the responsible ministries, state institutions and associations in Lower Saxony.

State Office for Youth Protection Lower Saxony
Leisewitzstraße 26
30175 Hannover

Contact person:
Eva Hanel

Phone: 0511/858788 or 0511/853061
E-mail: Eva.Hanel☞ Please insert an @ here ☜jugendschutz-niedersachsen☞ Please insert a dot here ☜de

Direct link:

In Lower Saxony, 250 parent media trainers have been trained and certified by the Lower Saxony Youth Protection Agency to support mothers and fathers with media education in parenting courses. The parent media trainers provide information on the various media content (television, internet, computer games and smartphones), their significance for children and young people and the possible effects on boys and girls. They are just as familiar with the legal foundations and institutions for the protection of minors from harmful media as they are with current impact research studies and media education approaches.

Hagenweg 2a,
37081 Göttingen


Phone: 0551/487106
E-mail: blickwechsel☞ Please insert an @ here ☜blickwechsel☞ Please insert a dot here ☜org

Direct link:

Media education evenings for parents

What media do children use and how does media "affect" children? What can conscious media use in the family look like? How can we support and encourage children as they grow up in media environments? These and similar questions are the focus of the two-hour information events for parents. After an activating introduction to the topic, a short presentation will provide basic knowledge about media use and the perception and effect of media on children and young people. In an open discussion round, tips for dealing with media in everyday family life are discussed and, for example, guidance is given on suitable programs, websites, computer games and apps. Of course, there will also be time for an exchange of experiences, discussion and questions. Detailed topic requests can of course be discussed with the speakers.

Schwarzer Bär 1
30449 Hanover

Phone: 0511 /165 97 848-0
Fax: 0511 /165 97 848-9
Email: info☞ Please insert an @ here ☜smiley-ev☞ Please insert a dot here ☜de

smiley e.V. aims to teach children and young people how to use smartphones and social media and to promote courageous behavior on the Internet. To achieve this, the association supports schools and extracurricular child and youth education institutions in teaching media skills with regard to social networks. smiley e.V. offers events for parents, conducts training courses for teachers and all multipliers in child and youth work and visits over 1,100 school classes every year. In addition, the podcast "Was mit Medien(-Erziehung)" can be found at, which is funded by Aktion Mensch and aims to provide parents and professionals with suggestions for contemporary media education.

North Rhine-Westphalia

Landesanstalt für Medien NRW - Eltern und Medien
Zollhof 2
40221 Düsseldorf

Project office:
Anne Müller (Project Management)
Birgit Pietschmann (Project Office)
Phone: 0211-77007-140
Fax: 0211-77007-335
elternundmedien☞ Please insert an @ here ☜medienanstalt-nrw☞ Please insert a dot here ☜de

Direct link:

The Parents and Media service supports kindergartens and daycare centers, schools and family centers, as well as parents' associations and other initiatives in North Rhine-Westphalia in planning and organizing information events for parents on issues of media use and education. We provide speakers free of charge for this purpose. In addition to the on-site events , online parents' evenings on parents and media can also be booked.

The offer includes:

  • Procurement of qualified speakers
  • Assumption of the fee costs
  • Provision of information materials
  • Individual advice on choosing topics and setting priorities
  • Support in the design of invitations
  • Tips for local press work

Arbeitsgemeinschaft Kinder- und Jugendschutz (AJS) NRW e.V.
Poststr. 15-23
50676 Köln

Contact partners:

Team Elterntalk NRW
Susanne Philipp, Anke Lehmann
Phone: 0221-921392-26
E-mail: team☞ Please insert an @ here ☜elterntalk-nrw☞ Please insert a dot here ☜de

→ Direct link: 

Susanne Philipp, Matthias Felling
Phone: 0221-921392-14
E-mail: philipp☞ Please insert an @ here ☜ajs☞ Please insert a dot here ☜nrw

Direct link:

Elterntalk NRW - these are discussion groups for mothers and fathers on parenting issues. A host invites up to eight other parents to his or her home. A moderator, who is himself or herself a parent, accompanies the talk. Parents' Talk is not a lecture - it is an exchange. Parents are experts in their own right, they bring their own experiences and knowledge with them.

To bring Elterntalk NRW to the regions, AJS works with local partners. These can be, for example, the youth welfare office, a welfare association, a family education center or independent organizations.

The project in NRW is coordinated by AJS. The Parents' Talk team develops methods for starting talks on the respective topics and offers training and specialist events for the partners.

Parents Media Youth Protection / Specialist for Parents Media Education
The core of the program is a six-day training course that qualifies multipliers to design and conduct media education events for parents in schools, kindergartens, family centers and other educational institutions. After completion of the measure, the participants are supported, informed and further qualified by the state-wide network Eltern-Medien-Jugendschutz. Upon request, AJS NRW will be happy to assist in finding instructors in the field of media education for parents.

Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität
Institute of Psychology / AE Bromme
Fliednerstr. 21
48149 Münster

Dr. Torsten Porsch
Dr. Stephanie Pieschl
Phone: (0251) 323-7211
E-Mail: t.porsch☞ Please insert an @ here ☜uni-muenster☞ Please insert a dot here ☜de or pieschl☞ Please insert an @ here ☜psy.uni-muenster☞ Please insert a dot here ☜de


We arrange qualified speakers for media-pedagogical theme evenings with parents. The offerings cover the entire spectrum of the modern media world with a focus on the prevention of cyberbullying and sexual harassment on the Internet, as well as dealing with computer games.

Furthermore, we offer training and lectures for educational staff (especially teachers and youth workers) on the above topics.


Consumer advice center Rhineland-Palatinate registered association
Seppel-Glückert-Passage 10
55116 Mainz

Contact person:

Benjamin Marth: 06131/2848224

E-mail: Bildung-digitales☞ Please insert an @ here ☜vz-rlp☞ Please insert a dot here ☜de

Direct link:

Risks in the net, handling media or data and account security: Teachers cannot be Expert:innen in all topics. That's why the Rhineland-Palatinate Consumer Center offers workshops to help children and young people learn how to use digital technology and media. Specially trained instructors visit a class for two hours and discuss selected aspects of consumer protection from the overall program of basic digital education and media use in an age-appropriate and practical manner. The workshops are individually tailored to local needs and are free of charge for schools.

In daycare theme evenings for parents or teams, the speakers also provide information on consumer protection for young and old. The focus is on cost traps and usage risks in offers for children; the theme evenings are free of charge for the daycare centers.

The tandem workshops "Learning differently together" are a special feature. Accompanied by media education professionals, parents and children work together to find solutions to typical family disputes about media use. The workshops can be booked by schools for groups and are free of charge for participants.

Rhineland-Palatinate State Pedagogical Institute
Butenschönstr. 2
67346 Speyer

Contact persons:

Markus Friderichs: 0261/9702133
Katina Hahn: 0261 / 9702 - 357

E-mail: eltern.medienkompetenz☞ Please insert an @ here ☜pl.rlp☞ Please insert a dot here ☜de

Direct link:

The competent and critical use of digital media is an essential educational goal in school as well as in the classroom and also an important topic of education in the home. As part of the state government's 10-point program "Media Competence Makes Schools", parents are to be made aware of these issues and provided with comprehensive information. A central agency for parental work to promote media literacy has been set up at the Rhineland-Palatinate Pedagogical Institute, which supports parents' evenings or afternoons to provide information and training on specified topics. 

The agency offers: Online applications for  events as well as the procurement of qualified speakers*.

In coordination with the local school administrations, parent representatives, support associations, school social work, school administrations and teachers of all schools in Rhineland-Palatinate are eligible to apply.

The costs of the speakers (up to 200 €) are covered by the agency.

Furthermore, the agency conducts training courses for speakers on the  current developments in the subject areas.

Media and Education RLP gGmbH
Turmstraße 10
67059 Ludwigshafen

Contact persons:

Diemut Kreschel
Phone: 0621/5202173
E-mail: kreschel☞ Please insert an @ here ☜mb-rlp☞ Please insert a dot here ☜de

Direct link:

Media education begins in the family. It is continued together with educators and teachers in daycare centers and schools. In this way, the important task of teaching children the necessary media skills, helping them to process their media impressions in a way that is appropriate for their age, and educating them to use the media in a fun and responsible way can be solved.

Medien und Bildung RLP is your competent partner for media education advice for parents. Our offer for parents

  • presents the opportunities and risks, as well as the possibilities for accompanying children's media consumption,
  • informs about current research results,
  • explains the fascination of media,
  • builds on the media experiences of parents,
  • provides practical tips for everyday media use
  • and advises on agreeing rules for responsible media use by children.


Saarland State Media Authority
Nell-Breuning-Allee 6
66115 Saarbrücken 

Karin Bickelmann (Head of Department Media Competence)
Phone: 0681/38988-12
Fax: 0681/38988-20
E-mail: mkz☞ Please insert an @ here ☜LMSaar☞ Please insert a dot here ☜de

The MediaCompetenceCenter of the Saarland State Media Authority offers parents information evenings on the topic of media competence. Under the motto "Know how! - Elternabend Medienkompetenz" (Media Competence Parents' Evening), the event can also be held at other locations or institutions or facilities on request. The LMS also arranges speakers for project days, workshops, information events, etc. on the topic of media competence. On request, the content can be adapted to the respective needs and target groups. Interested parties with previous educational training are trained by the LMS at regular intervals to become multipliers.


medienblau gGmbH
Lützner Str. 85
04177 Leipzig

Philipp Buchholtz
Phone: 0561/473951775
E-mail: buchholtz☞ Please insert an @ here ☜medienblau☞ Please insert a dot here ☜de

Direct link:

But safely!-A multiplier training for the execution of parents evenings over child and youth ways in the Internet
the two-day advanced training obtains P?dagog*innen the execution of active, action-oriented and lasting parents evenings over Internet. The educators are provided with information and ready-to-use materials. Beforehand, all elements of the proposed parents' evening are experienced and tried out in practice through action-oriented and theoretical work phases.

Webklicker 2.0 - Wir klicken clever! The two-day project not only teaches children how to use the Internet safely, but also methodically addresses topics such as e-bullying, chat, data protection and copyright. After all, safe and reflective use of the Internet - Internet literacy - helps children and young people to use the Internet in a targeted way for school and leisure, to recognize dangers and to protect themselves.

Social Web macht Schule gGmbH
Tharandter Straße 13
01159 Dresden 

Contact person:
Marcel Burghardt 

Phone: 03512130380
Email: info☞ Please insert an @ here ☜social-web-macht-schule☞ Please insert a dot here ☜de
Internet:, and

As a non-profit organization, Social Web macht Schule has been working locally and personally throughout Saxony since 2011 to promote a self-determined and responsible approach to digital media, especially social networks and digital games. Our range of services includes workshops for school classes, evening events for parents and training courses for teachers, in which the opportunities and challenges of using the internet are discussed in depth. Always on an equal footing, we advocate understanding and enlightened interaction on the internet - against fake news, cyberbullying and the risk of addiction.

Target group: Children and young people from year 2 to 12, parents, educators, parents

Duration: between 90 minutes and all day

Topics: Cyberbullying, risk of addiction through social networks and digital games, fake news and deep fakes, influencers and fake worlds, data protection and copyright, ChatGPT and AI.

Appointments also possible at short notice. Costs by arrangement.


Reichardtstraße 8/9
06114 Halle (Saale)


Matthias Schmidt
Head of Media Literacy Education
Phone: 0345 - 5213100

The Saxony-Anhalt Media Authority is the central point of contact for media literacy issues in Saxony-Anhalt. Competent handling of media and orientation in a dynamically developing media world are considered key skills in everyday and working life today - regardless of age, gender and educational background. The Saxony-Anhalt Media Authority operates its own media competence center in Halle (Saale) for this purpose. Every year, 250 seminars are held here, the content of which ranges from knowledge transfer on current issues of digital transformation to the practical application of digital media and the independent production of media content.

The Saxony-Anhalt Media Authority also provides three mobile media education units. The media mobiles can be requested free of charge from the Saxony-Anhalt Media Authority for media education projects, parents' evenings, teacher and multiplier training. The speakers from the media authority coordinate the offers individually with representatives of interested schools, daycare centers and youth recreational facilities and thus respond to local needs.

Teachers at primary and special schools in Saxony-Anhalt have the opportunity to participate in the Saxony-Anhalt Internet ABC Schools project. The joint project of the Saxony-Anhalt Media Authority, the Ministry of Education and the Saxony-Anhalt State Institute for School Quality and Teacher Training (LISA) is based on the ad-free platform Children, parents and teachers are addressed equally. The aim of the initiative is to teach age-appropriate skills for safe and responsible use of the Internet.

Reichardtstraße 9
06114 Halle(Saale)

Alexander Karpilowski
Project Manager Network Office Media Competence Saxony-Anhalt
Phone: 0345 - 5255136
Social Media:

Saxony-Anhalt has a broad media education landscape with numerous stakeholders and initiatives. The "Saxony-Anhalt Media Competence Network" advice, networking and coordination center helps to network existing players and activities in a profitable and sustainable way and to provide impetus for media education in the state. The network also acts as a point of contact for all interested parties for media education issues in the state; for example, it helps with the placement of speakers, the realization of media projects and advice on funding opportunities for media education projects. The tasks of the "Network Media Competence Saxony-Anhalt" and the media education atlas of Saxony-Anhalt can be found on the website of the network portal at

The project is funded by the Saxony-Anhalt Media Authority and the state government of Saxony-Anhalt.


Regional office Hamburg
Wiesendamm 59
22305 Hamburg
Contact: Nina Soppa

Phone: 0176 62164717

Direct link

Media education evenings for parents

What media do children use and how does media "affect" children? What can conscious media use in the family look like? How can we support and encourage children as they grow up in media environments? These and similar questions are the focus of the two-hour information events for parents. After an activating introduction to the topic, a short presentation will provide basic knowledge about media use and the perception and effect of media on children and young people. In an open discussion round, tips for dealing with media in everyday family life are discussed and, for example, guidance is given on suitable programs, websites, computer games and apps. Of course, there will also be time for an exchange of experiences, discussion and questions. Detailed topic requests can of course be discussed with the speakers.

Rathausallee 72-76
22846 Norderstedt

Bodil Diederichsen
Head of Location Promotion and Media Competence
Phone: 040 - 369 005 22
Fax: 040 - 369 005 55

The Media Authority Hamburg/Schleswig-Holstein (MA HSH) is responsible for the protection of minors from harmful media in the two federal states mentioned above and is also the point of contact for prevention issues. The MA HSH focuses in particular on the Internet use of children between the ages of three and 14 and relies on the responsibility of parents. The MA HSH supports them and teachers with questions relating to media education - especially with its magazine scout(, which you can subscribe to free of charge in addition to the newsletter. The MA HSH is also involved in events in Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein on the subject and in the dissemination of the media authorities' media literacy education program for 3rd and 4th graders, the Internet ABC.

Open Channel Schleswig-Holstein (OKSH)
Hamburger Chaussee 36
24113 Kiel

Holger Jentsch
Telephone: 0431/6400416
E-Mail: medienarbeit☞ Please insert an @ here ☜oksh☞ Please insert a dot here ☜de

The open channel Schleswig-Holstein (OKSH) trains already pedagogically active ones to ?parents MedienLotsen? (EML), which report with parents meetings in the mechanisms KiTa, after-school care and school (class 1-8) to Games cell phones Internet - young medium world competently experience ? The thematic focus of the evening is coordinated individually with the coordination office and the speakers.

Are you a parent, teacher, school social worker, educator, or do you have any other connection to daycare centers, after-school care centers, and schools and would like to hold a parents' evening at your facility? The ElternMedienLots*innen will be happy to come to your facility. The evenings are free of charge. In individual cases, travel costs may be incurred. Please contact the OC Schleswig Holstein at medienarbeit☞ Please insert an @ here ☜oksh☞ Please insert a dot here ☜de.

The implementation of the parents' evenings as well as the further training for ElternMedienLots*in can be guaranteed by the support of the Ministry for Social Affairs, Health, Youth, Family and Senior Citizens as well as the cooperation with the IQSH, the ULD and the AKJS.

In addition, the OKSH hasfurther offers for parents on offer:


Steigerstrasse 10
99096 Erfurt

Contact person:

Dr. Martin Ritter
Phone: 0361 211 77 50
Fax: 0361 2117755
E-mail: m.ritter☞ Please insert an @ here ☜tlm☞ Please insert a dot here ☜de

Direct links: and 

The Thuringian State Media Authority (TLM) initiates, supports and is itself involved in various projects that focus on action-oriented media work with children and young people. It works closely with Thuringia's community radio stations and operates its own media education center with locations in Erfurt and Gera. It also supports projects that help parents, teachers, educators and other multipliers to accompany children and young people on their way into the media society.

The following media education services are available:

  • Media education advice for parents, grandparents and educators "Familie ahoi! - With the compass through the new (media) world!"
  • Media education qualification seminars for Thuringian teachers "Apps in the school".
  • Media education qualification seminars for Thuringian teachers "Programming in elementary school with the Calliope mini".
  • Media education qualification seminars for Thuringian teachers "Video work in elementary school".

Brühler Str. 52
99084 Erfurt

Contact person
Erika Bartsch
Phone: 0361 / 22 18 113
E-mail: erika.bartsch☞ Please insert an @ here ☜mitmedien☞ Please insert a dot here ☜net

Mit Medien e.V., formerly Landesfilmdienst Thüringen e.V., is a socio-cultural institution for youth and adult education, information and further education as well as leisure activities. The aim of Mit Medien e.V. is to enable all people to use media in a self-determined, competent and reflective way. In addition to the regular offers in the media laboratory in Erfurt, Mit Medien e.V. offers various media education projects that operate throughout Thuringia:

FLIP - ITS YOUR TURN supports children and young people in realizing their own media projects. From finding a topic to the finished film, podcast or social media channel - the participants are the decision-makers! Further information at:

FOKUS DIGITAL advises professionals and child and youth welfare institutions in Thuringia on all questions and topics relating to digitality. The services include training, advice, long-term support and a pool of materials on the website. Further information can be found at:

MEiFA - Media Worlds in the Family focuses on media education for the whole family. Dialogue about media between the generations is encouraged in family workshops, parents' evenings and school parents' evenings. In interactive information formats, adults are given an insight into the media worlds of children and young people and all family members are made fit for a safe and conscious use of media. Further information can be found at:

All other offers and projects can be found on the website of Mit Medien e.V.