If every person has his own facts and constructs his own reality, then it is no longer possible to communicate about problems in a society and search for common solutions.
Petra Grimm, Head of the Institute for Digital Ethics to the klicksafe material "Forming Opinions in the Digital World We work in a strong national and international network for the protection, empowerment and safe participation of children and young people online. After all, online safety is not the task of individual people or institutions; it requires a broad social alliance.
Deborah Woldemichael, Head of EU initiative klicksafe about klicksafe #FactProtect is important because with facts we understand, learn and know more and can better classify. A life with facts is worthwhile - committed to the truth.
Dr. Marc Jan Eumann, Director of the Media Authority Rhineland-Palatinate for Safer Internet Day 2021 - Motto #FactProtect Addiction develops in the brain's reward system, so it doesn't matter whether you smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol, play computer games excessively or use social media. Often, addiction develops quite unnoticed. The good news is that computer game addiction is easily treatable!
Dr. Klaus Wölfling, Leiter der Ambulanz für Spielsucht der Psychosomatischen Klinik der Universitätsmedizin Mainz about gambling addiction Pictures are remembered for longer and are also considered to be more truthful. It's not for nothing that we know phrases like "A picture is worth a thousand words". That is why it is so important today to give pupils the tools they need to recognize manipulated images and videos online.
Dr. Bernd Zywietz, Head of the Political Extremism department at jugendschutz.net about manipulative deepfakes We must not leave children alone with their online experiences. Actively accompany the media use of children and young people. Regularly ask them about current trends and challenges or which channels and influencers they follow. At klicksafe you will find suitable information, tips and conversation starters.
Deborah Woldemichael, Head of the EU initiative on supporting children and young people in their use of media For 20 years, klicksafe has been the media literacy rock in the surf of disinformation, hate speech and other online dangers. Good media education succeeds with klicksafe, which develops tailor-made media literacy offers for children, young people, parents and teachers.
Dr. Marc Jan Eumann, Director of the Rhineland-Palatinate Media Authority about klicksafe
klicksafe is part of the network of Safer Internet Centers (INSAFE). INSAFE campaigns for a safe Internet for children in 27 European countries 255
255 events took place across Germany for Safer Internet Day 2024. klicksafe has been coordinating the day of action in Germany since 2004. Under the motto "Together for a better Internet", many institutions and organizations are committed to improving safety on the Internet 40,000
We sent out over 40,000 "Media-safe at school" flyers in the first two months after school started.