Regulated use of digital media

klicksafe supports parents in helping their children to use digital media safely and responsibly. The goal is a balanced and self-determined approach to the internet, digital games, smartphones and apps.

Media education works best when parents and children explore the digital world together. By providing active support, parents can try out suitable behaviours and minimize risks. An open discussion about media content and clear rules create a solid basis for healthy media use. Trust is also the key to success here.

When should children start using the internet?

Similar to shopping or the playground, the question arises: when is your child ready to use the internet on their own? This decision should depend on how well your child is prepared for such situations. In terms of media education, this means that you should accompany your child when they start using the Internet. This is the only way to ensure that they do not come across unsuitable or harmful content. Through regular discussions and clear rules, you can create a trusting basis for media use.

On our subpages you will find specific tips for media education for children in different age groups:

Actively monitor your children's media use. Regularly ask about current trends and challenges or which channels and influencers your child follows. Here you will find suitable conversation starters. (Deborah Woldemichael, Head of klicksafe)

Older children and using the internet

As children get older, they spend more and more time online, especially on smartphones. As they become increasingly independent, they may also come across content that is not age-appropriate. It is important to establish a basis of trust and continue to monitor online use. Adolescent issues are often reflected online, which can be an additional challenge for parents.

Once children have learned to use the internet safely and responsibly, control can be gradually relaxed. It is up to the parents to decide how much independence a child is given when surfing and which filter or parental control programs are used.

However, it should be noted that there are currently no universal filtering or parental control programs that work equally on computers, smartphones and tablets across all devices. Different settings must therefore be made depending on the device.

Filter and parental control programs: What do they do?

For younger children, child search engines as well as filter and parental control programs can be helpful in limiting access to content that is harmful to minors. However, these technical aids do not offer complete protection and should be used as a supplement to media education.

As children get older and more tech-savvy, it becomes more difficult to keep filtering programs fully effective. Filters can also block innocent or important websites, such as those on sex education. Therefore, the pros and cons of these programs should be carefully weighed.

For more information and specific recommendations, please visit our topic area on parental control programs.

Guide for parents

Our guides, brochures and family checklists will help you guide your child on the path to independent and responsible Internet use.

Media usage contract & Media vouchers

Media usage contract

The media usage contract offers families a simple way to create clear rules for media usage. This contract can be created online, saved and either signed digitally or printed out. It is important that the rules are discussed together and compromises are found. When children see that their needs are heard and taken into account, acceptance of the agreed rules increases considerably. The contract should also be regularly adapted to the child's changing abilities and needs.

Media vouchers

Media vouchers are a helpful tool to support time agreements and enable children to manage their media time independently. This gradually encourages children to take responsibility.

Depending on the age and experience of the child, specific times for certain devices or media can be entered on media vouchers. For younger children who are not yet able to read and write, there is the option of coloring in a period of time on a blank clock together with their parents. The vouchers can be creatively designed, for example with the child's favorite media heroes. As soon as the child wants to use their media time, they hand the voucher in to their parents.

With media vouchers, children learn to decide for themselves how to use their media time wisely. However, parents should continue to check whether the games, films or videos selected are age-appropriate and suitable for the child's stage of development. The agreed media times should also be regularly reviewed and adjusted if necessary.

Good offers for children - information for parents

For children of primary school age, a manageable range of websites, apps and good online games is sufficient. These can be accessed by the child again and again. The following points will help you assess whether an Internet offering is suitable for children.

A child-friendly app or website...

  • free of violence and only presents content that is appropriate for the child's age.
  • ...has a simple structure, is easy to use and uses a child-friendly approach.
  • ...stimulates your child's imagination and curiosity.
  • ...encourages your child to engage offline.
  • ...refrains from advertising and links to social networks, advertising sites, app stores or other offers that are not suitable for children.
  • ...does not offer the possibility to buy paid extensions.
  • best used without an Internet connection .
  • ...does not ask for personal data and does not demand excessive permissions.

  • In the children's area of the Internet ABC, children are guided through their first steps on the Internet in a playful way. In addition to learning modules and quizzes, children receive exciting information in the form of news and quizzes.
  • Around 60 child-friendly websites for children make up "Seitenstark".
  • The Handysektor portal has information on data protection, copyright and cyberbullying for young people, among other things.
  • The children's section of klicksafe with links to good websites.
  • The children's search engine fragFINN offers a protected surfing area that was created especially for children and in which they can move freely on the Internet without coming across content that is unsuitable for them. The surfing area is based on a so-called whitelist. This is a thematically and numerically extensive list of websites that are suitable for children and have been editorially reviewed by media educators.
  • Kindersache is a service of the Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk e. V. (German Children's Fund) especially for children. Here all children can find information appropriate to their age and also various browser games.
  • The website offers children between the ages of 8 and 14 simple and understandable access to the topic of politics, as well as additional information, tips, entertainment and active hands-on activities. HanisauLand is an online service of the Federal Agency.
  • ZDF logo!: News program for children.
  • WDR Neuneinhalb Nachrichten: News service for children.
  • Kindersache Nachrichten: News service for children.
  • Deutschlandfunk Kultur Kakadu: Audio content (e.g. radio plays) for children.
  • rbb Ohrenbär: Audio content (e.g. radio plays) for children.
  • hr2-Kinderpodcast Wunderwigwam: Audio content (e.g. radio plays) for children.
  • ZDFchen: Video content for young children.
  • The page with the elephant: Video content for young children.

  • The children's and young people's telephone of the "Nummer gegen Kummer" (number against sorrow) can be reached at 116 111 from Monday to Saturday from 14:00 - 20:00. The calls are free and anonymous. The em@il advice line is available around the clock. The parent telephone can be reached on Mondays to Fridays from 09:00 - 11:00 and on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 17:00 - 19:00 on the free number 0800 - 111 0 550.
  • ZEBRA is the free online advice service of the NRW Media Authority. Anyone with questions about everyday digital life can get an answer from experts - individually, reliably and anonymously. ZEBRA can be reached via WhatsApp, chat and contact form.
  • On the juuuport Internet platform, young people can find help if they have had a bad experience with the Internet, for example. The special thing about juuuport is that the help comes from other young people who have been trained as scouts for this purpose.

  • You have come across something on the Internet that you think is illegal, harmful to minors or developmentally damaging? Inform the team of about it!
  • You have noticed inciting remarks in a forum? Or have you seen depictions on a website that are harmful to minors? You can use a form to report illegal content to the Internet Complaints Office.