Logos, banners and sharepics for SID 2023


klicksafe provides logos for Safer Internet Day 2023 for download below. The graphics may be used for promotion and publicity, e.g. to refer to Safer Internet Day online (on websites, blogs, social networks, etc.) or in print media. A link of the graphic to the central SID info page klicksafe.de/sid online or reprint of the URL in print media is desired.

The logos can also be used by organizers of official  SID actions or events. Official Safer Internet Day actions and events are those that are registered with klicksafe. Registered events and actions are published on the  SID event overview .

If you have any questions about the use of the website, please contact by e-mail to sid⁠☞ Please insert an @ here ☜⁠klicksafe⁠☞ Please insert a dot here ☜⁠de.

Banners and sharepics

"We're in!"

Be part of Safer Internet Day on your social media channels or website with our "We're in!" banners and sharepics.

The banners are available in the formats 728 x 90 pixels and 468 x 60 pixels each on dark and light backgrounds. For the social media channels, we offer graphics for Instagram posts and stories, also on dark or light backgrounds for download. In Facebook, Twitter and social sharing we are happy if you use our sharepics.

If you need printable graphics for print publications, please contact us directly (by mail to sid⁠☞ Please insert an @ here ☜⁠klicksafe⁠☞ Please insert a dot here ☜⁠de).

Stickers and posters

Would you like to use print products to draw attention to Safer Internet Day or your SID event? We would be happy to provide you with appropriate announcement posters for this purpose. Both the poster in DIN A1 format and the SID stickers can be ordered in printed form free of charge via the klicksafe materials system.