Media Literacy Week 2022Over 160 actions for all ages

Media Literacy Week starts today for the third time throughout Rhineland-Palatinate. Until July 10, a variety of offers and events on media literacy topics will take place throughout the state. This year klicksafe is again represented with various web seminars. Among other things, we address the topics of cybergrooming and democratic competence in our presentations.

The Media Literacy Week is an initiative of the Ministry of Education Rhineland-Palatinate, the Pädagogisches Landesinstitut and the Medienanstalt Rheinland-Pfalz and is supported by numerous partners*. The focus is on promoting media skills for all age groups. Numerous activities and events are held at various locations and online for and with all interested parties.

→ Overview of all activities offered

The action week offers everyone - children, parents, educational professionals, senior citizens - in Rhineland-Palatinate a wide range of activities. Through media participation, they learn to master the challenges of digitization with confidence.

→ Further information

klicksafe web seminars

07/04/2022: #fitfordemocracy: Teaching material on democratic competence

In this web seminar, the working materials of the teaching material #fitfordemocracy will be presented. In addition, participants will have the opportunity to try out some of the stations themselves.

06.07.2022, 15-16 Uhr: What to do in case of (cyber)bullying?

In this online event, Birgit Kimmel, head of the EU initiative klicksafe, provides insight into the dynamics of (cyber)bullying, discusses the first steps to take in an emergency, and gives advice on how conflict management can succeed in schools in the long term.

07.07.2022, 16.30-17.30: Cybergrooming: Sexualized Violence in Digital Spaces

Parents and educators should make children and young people aware of the dangers of cybergrooming at an early stage and support them in protecting themselves from sexual violence online. This web seminar provides parents and educators with an overview.