klicksafe in the podcast "D wie DigitalHow does digital self-defense work?

Anyone who wants to move safely and confidently on the Internet should master one thing: digital self-defense. What is behind this term? What tools should we all know? How can we learn media competence - and when should we start?

Digital self-defense sounds like a fight and hardball - and not exactly inviting. But anyone who is out and about on the Net cannot do without a certain basic knowledge of media competence.

In the first episode of the podcast "D wie Digital" from the web portal Digitalführerschein (DiFü), the following questions are therefore asked: What is the concept of digital self-defense all about? What does media competence mean? How can we learn it and when should we start? Guest on the podcast is Stefanie Rack from klicksafe.

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Information about the podcast "D wie Digital".

The podcast "D wie Digital" is released every 14 days, always on DiFü Tuesday. Each episode deals with different, exciting topics from everyday digital life. Guests are changing interview partners on different topics such as algorithms, online shopping or social media. Entertaining, informative, entertaining. New episodes can be found directly at DiFü-News, in the DiFü-App and on all known podcast platforms. The Digitalführerschein web portal is an offer from our cooperation partner Deutschland sicher im Netz.

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