Drogenhilfe Köln, Fachstelle für Suchtprävention - Put away your cell phone!

Parents Info Event

Tuesday, 7th of February 2023
18:00 - 20:00

Schiller High School

St. Nicholas 55
50937 Cologne

Target Group(s)

Experts / professional audience
Journalists / Media


Please register by mail stating the event title, your name and mail address: praevention(a)drogenhilfe.koeln

The event at the Schillergymnasium will take place as part of Safer Internet Day 2023 and is aimed at all interested parents, professionals and citizens. The evening is organized by Drogenhilfe Köln in cooperation with the Cologne police.


How much smartphone is good for my children?
Andreas Pauly, Drogenhilfe Köln, Fachstelle für Suchtprävention,
Diplom-Sozialpädagoge und Medienpädagoge

Prevention of cybergrooming and cyberbullying -
How can children use smartphones safely?

Sabine Klemens, Cologne Police, Criminal Investigation Department Crime Prevention/Victim Protection
Detective Superintendent

On the one hand, you will receive information about legal dangers and risks and, on the other hand, concrete tips on how parents and educators can manage to encourage children and young people to reflect on their own cell phone use and encourage them to engage in alternative leisure activities.

All details can also be found in the FLYER!

Schillergymnasium Köln, Aula
Nikolausstr. 55
50937 Köln
(KVB stop: Weyertal line 9 or Weißhausstr. line 18)

The event does not cost admission! Please register by mail stating the event title, your name and mail address: praevention(a)drogenhilfe.koeln

Further information: https://www.sucht-bildung.de