German Unity DayHistory told alive

October 03 is an important national holiday. On this day in 1990, two separate German states became one again. For children and young people, reunification is a historical event with no personal connection. How can we nevertheless bring this important piece of recent German history closer to our children? How do we convey the political and personal consequences that the division of Germany had - and still has today? We took a look around the web.

Monday demonstrations, the fall of the Wall, the Unification Treaty ... . There was a lot going on in Germany between 1989 and 1990. And then there is also the prehistory: how did the division of Germany come about in the first place? When was the Wall built and, more importantly,  why was it built?

The Internet has many good resources to help you and your children shed light on the subject. The following links offer content for children and young people between the ages of six and 14 that is tailored to the target group. Many questions about the Day of German Unity are also answered.

More offers

If you don't want to get lost in the multitude of offerings on the Internet, you can watch the animated feature film "Fritzi - eine Wendewundergeschichte" or the picture book "Hübendrüben" with your children:

Learning from history

The division and reunification of Germany also reminds us that privileges of democracy cannot be taken for granted. Under the dictatorship of the GDR, the press was censored, (fear-)free expression of opinion was possible neither in public nor in private. Life plans were influenced by the state and anyone who did not conform was politically suspect and watched by the Stasi.

Attacks on democracy are increasingly taking place online: Extremist attitudes disguise themselves as free speech, fake news corrodes serious reporting. And group-based misanthropy has long been at home in the comment columns of social media channels.

This makes it all the more important to sensitize children and young people to the mechanisms that threaten our democracy. And at the same time, to show them how they can actively and responsibly live and shape democracy online (and beyond).

klicksafe materials for young people on the topic of democracy

To get young people excited about democracy, they need role models. They also need to get an idea of why democracy is relevant to their lives. For Safer Internet Day 2022, klicksafe has created various materials for young people with this in mind. 

We also talked to young people about the topic of democracy. What is the first thing that comes to mind for young people? What opportunities and dangers does the Internet hold for democracy from their point of view? What would they stand up for themselves and take to the streets? Manahil, Jonathan and Lisa tell us in our four short videos.