Ethics makes click. Shaping opinions in the digital world
The klicksafe handbook "Ethik macht klick.Meinungsbildung in der digitalen Welt" provides insights into the information behavior of young people, offers assistance in analyzing and recognizing disinformation strategies and shows the effects of misinformation on a democratic society. The focus is on a media ethics roadmap, a compass of skills: This includes methodological competence (How do I inform myself?), subject competence (What knowledge about media and digital public spheres do I have?), social competence (How do I behave in discussions?) and ethical competence (How can I develop an attitude?).
Material for the teaching units
Project 2:
- Copy template A | Facts
- Copy template A | Facts Back
- Copy template B | Opinions
- Copy template B | Opinions back
Project 6
Project 7
Project 9
Project 11
Further Materials of this Series